So So So excited about mark. Magalog 11 that is now available for you to purchase from! Just wanted to share some of the AWESOME DEALS going on this Month!! Until 10/10 FREE hookup mascara & lipgloss with any $25…
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
I am a huge Breast Cancer Awareness Supporter so any chance I get to donate money to any Breast Cancer Research Foundation I jump at the chance! When I saw these Ann Taylor LOFT pieces I fell in LOVE! These…
purple haze
C o l o r e d eyeliner is my guilty pleasure! Everyone loves a basic black liner but I love love love to experiment with different colors. When I first saw mark.’s No Place to Run in Ultra Violet…
mark. monday!!
I thought I would switch it up this week with mark. Monday’s and instead of recommending a few mark. products I though I would show you my favorite look from the meet mark. website! One of the awesome features on…
online “window” shopping
Spending this cold rainy Fall Monday afternoon online “window” shopping. I’m really trying not to spend any money, but a girl can still look right? I’m obsessed with Shop It To Me, if you aren’t a member it is AMAZING!!…
apple picking
Fall hands down is my favorite Season, I’m sure some of it has to do with my Birthday being in the Fall but most of it has to do with the perfect weather and activites that us New Yorkers get…