Disclosure: This post has been sponsored by FAGE. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make this blog possible.

My 2021 New Year’s Resolution
I told myself I wasn’t going to make 2021 New Year’s Resolution. But after the past few weeks of overindulging and not taking great care of myself I decided to make one – one that is more of a healthy habit. But for all intents and purposes I’m calling it a resolution.
So my 2021 Resolution is to listen to my body more!
While it may not seem like that hard of a resolution to make, it’s something I actually have a hard time doing! I’m so preoccupied with doing “all the things” that I’m often neglecting myself and what my body needs.

In case you didn’t know, on top of running my blog full time I also work full time managing an office AND I have multiple freelance social media clients that I handle. So it’s safe to say not only is my schedule VERY busy, it can also change at the drop of a hat. And one of my biggest faults is not keeping my fridge stocked with healthy options that I can enjoy both at home and on the go!

FAGE’s new BestSelf is REAL dairy Greek yogurt WITHOUT the lactose!
As someone who is lactose intolerant I’m SO happy that there’s now a great tasting lactose free yogurt on the shelves at my local grocery store!
FAGE Lactose Free Greek Yogurt is protein-rich and low-fat and has quickly become my go-to for morning yogurt bowls topped with fresh fruit and nuts, afternoon smoothies with frozen bananas or as a grab & go option for busy days at work!

I love when I’m able to incorporate one food into many different meals! Next up I’m trying the BestSelf Plain yogurt to make 2 Ingredient Bagels and adding a dollop of this lactose-free yogurt on homemade chili!
Eating better isn’t the only way I’ll be giving my body what it needs, other healthy habits I’ll be incorporating into my routine include:
Getting more sleep!
This is definitely one that my body is asking for, but I have SO much trouble listening to. I work best at night (hence the “Living After Midnite” blog name), but I need to get myself on a better schedule so I’m getting more sleep!
Exercising because it makes me feel good!
I’ve always had a little bit of an unhealthy relationship with exercise, but in 2021 I want to focus on doing the workouts that I like to do and exercising for the sole purpose of it making me feel good!
Less scrolling!
Being on social media is part of my job, but I’m very guilty of spending way too much time mindlessly scrolling which makes me less productive and does absolutely nothing for my mental health!
What healthy habits are you hoping to incorporate into your life this year?

Visit FAGE’s website to find this BestSelf Lactose Free Yogurt near you!
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