Trying to get the last bit of Summer style out of my system before the temps drop & Fall starts! In the past few years the seasons have NOT been changing gradually, its more like one day its 90+ and…
Chambray & Leopard + a Bracelet Giveaway!
var search_me = ’50_5415′; var scriptElems = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’), i=scriptElems.length – 1, curLoc; for (; i; –i) { curLoc = scriptElems[i]; if (‘innerText’ in curLoc) { if (curLoc.innerText.indexOf(search_me)) break; }else if (‘textContent’ in curLoc) { if (curLoc.textContent.indexOf(search_me)) break; }} addImpression(50,5415);var clkHndlr…