I planned all the outfits I wanted to wear during the Holidays in my head but when it came down to getting dressed on Christmas Eve my room turned into a war zone & everything I wanted to wear was GIANT on me. I literally was running around like a chicken with its head cut off, some of the jeans I tried on still had the tags on them…I’m crying inside.
Thank God I found this American Apparel dress & conveniently it was RED! Lucky me! BTW I’m obsessed with how big my hair came out…I live by the motto “The Bigger The Better”..when it comes to hair at least!!
We’re Italian so we do Christmas Eve BIG…Christmas & Presents posts coming!!
Speedway in Nude, Please Hold Eye Primer, Powder Buff in Buff, Bronze Pro in Pro Golden, iMark in Biscotti, iMark in Corset, Keep it Going in Entourage (the black shade), Make it Big in Raven, Lipclick in Bare Hug, Glow Baby Glow in Peek a Boo

My brother, Dad & I…clearly I’m them with hair. Scary!

Jackie, you look gorgeous! I love your hair, and what have you been doing that your clothes are so big… tell me your secrets haha