2010 was an interesting year…putting these pictures together made me realize it. Everyone always thinks I’m nuts taking pictures of every little thing but when you look at them like this I’m glad I have all of these memories to look back on. I traveled A LOT, a lot of great things happened and one horrible thing happened. I hope 2011 brings a new adventure, my life took some drastic turns this year & I hope next year is just as fun of a ride. I’m never going to be as young as I am right now I have to do as much as I can while I can still do it. If I learned anything this year it was if you aren’t happy doing something don’t do it, every moment counts so be happy & spend your time with the ones you love. Happy New Year!
new years 2010
new years day 2010 snow tubing in pennsylvania

lunch at the ivy in la

the grammys 2010 la

girls vacation las vegas!

“the real caesars palace”


san francisco family vacation!

our 2 new puppies!! cali & bella

santa monica pier

nyc fashion’s night out!
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