So I watched 21 Jump Street yesterday…
sorry let me start over…
So I watched 21 Jump Street TWICE yesterday.
Remind me again why I never saw this movie in the theater. I literally was hysterical laughing out loud, tears in my eyes, snorting (yes I snort when I laugh too hard). And any movie with Channing Tatum is worth seeing (yes I’ll be seeing Magic Mike…don’t pretend like you’re not going to see it).
I so desperately want to put a quote (or 2) in here, but no matter which one I choose it will have at least 3 curses, some type of sexual innuendo and inevitably offend someone…
So just go see it…like now.
Now the dress…tell me it doesn’t scream “Florida Vacation”…alright maybe it screams “Elderly Print Florida Vacation” either way I’m loving it!

Dress: The Webster at Target, Bracelets: Mandee’s, mark. & Kohls, Ring: Express, Shoes: Steve Madden (old, loving THESE)
Haha, that's a cute one! =) It's definitely a Florida vaycay dress! I love it!
21 Jump Street is so funny! I saw it in theater and really want to see it again! I will probably end up buying. lol. It's just so funny! I'm now following you 🙂