So So So Obsessed with M.A.C.’s Venomous Villains Collection, available today at It is filled with vibrant strong colors that definitely embody the villains they are named after. Obsessing over the plums, navys, magentas and everything else. The best…
pudding pie
My Grandpa was so mad at all of us for not making his favorite dessert, Pudding Pie, for his Birthday, so me being on this baking kick I decided I would make it. It is a super easy recipe but…
mark. monday!!
Happy mark. Monday!! This post is ALL about FACE! The Fall is officially here and I couldn’t be happier! I definitely use much different products on my face in the summer then in the Fall so I figured I would…
new york fashion week
I’ve been saving all of my favorite NYFW photos during the past week and when I came to look at them all today its pretty apparent the trends I’m obsessed with! Absolutely loving bright colors, neutrals, minidresses and draping. Here…
mark. monday!!
I know I usually recommend 2 items on mark. Mondays but I’ve been so obsessed with mark.‘s LipClick Lipstick the past few months that I think it deserves its own post!! They are lightweight full coverage lipsticks that are super…
birthday dress dilemma.
My 23rd (ugh) Birthday is exactly 1 month away and even though I’m not sure where we’re going to celebrate I want a new dress to wear out!! So far these are the two I’m deciding between. HELP!! Swirl Print…