Guess who got a Christmas present a little early this year??? This girl!
Over the weekend at my Aunt’s cookie swap party she gave me my first Christmas present of the year…this adorable Jingle Bell Ring from Pier 1 (who knew Pier 1 sold jewelry?? Actually maybe its better that I didn’t know)). The only stipulation on receiving it was that, “She better see it on my blog!” So here it is…along with a manicure to match!
Disclaimer: If you buy this ring ((or the matching earring set)) be prepared to be jingling ((literally)) all the way ’til Christmas!

Milani Nail Lacquer in “Purple Passion”, China Glaze in “Shower Together”, Color Club in “FNO Red”, Zoya in “Holly” & Color Club in “What a Drag” (Similar)
Cute ring, I absolutely LOVE your manicure. It's gorgeous! I need to try it out 🙂
xo Michelle
Fierce & Fashionable
I love your nail polish. You did a great job and you had great inspiration! I wish I were better at painting my own nails.
Jessica @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights
Checkout my giveaway to win a Malin Cross Bracelet!
xoxo Sarah Beth
Caring Cowls
So pretty I love it.
<3 Marina