Last year was one of the first times I actually made resolutions and stuck to them so I’ve been thinking long and hard about my 2014 Resolutions!
First off, I want to spend less money on material things (I know right?!) and put it towards traveling! I’m 26, and not getting any younger, and there are still SO many more places I want to visit and experience, whether they’re 20 miles away or 2000 miles away! I want to make the most of my time and start exploring.
Second, one of my resolutions from last year was to be more organized…I was so super organized this year that I became too dependent on a schedule, so this year I want to be more spontaneous! This is really a hard one for me because I’m a planner, I like to know what’s going on, but the best things happen on a whim so it seemed like a good resolution to have!
Lastly, and this might sound a little selfish, but I’m a true Libra when it comes to this…I need to stop worrying so much about other people and be concerned with myself a little more! I’m always the person that makes sure everyone else is doing okay before myself and while this is a great characteristic to have it’s a little draining. I want to take time out for myself and do things I want to do rather than compromise because I know it’s what other people want!
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My New Year Resulotion is to get back into yoga! I think I would give myself a little shopping spree and then save the rest of the amount for wedding items!