What is FaceTite?
FaceTite is a minimally invasive procedure that combines fat reduction and skin tightening techniques to help contour the face. It uses radiofrequency assisted liposuction (RFAL) to help suction out fatty tissues while stimulating collagen production.
What areas does FaceTite treat?
FaceTite treats primarily the lower half of your face, which includes your cheeks, chin, jawline and neck. This cosmetic procedure targets sagging and loose skin and chin and neck fat.
What to expect during the FaceTite procedure?
Your doctor will apply local anesthesia to the area so that you are numb and my doctor also gave me medication to relax and so I stayed still. Once the medication and anesthesia kicks in 3 incisions will be made, one under your chin and one below each ear. One device will be inserted to deliver radiofrequency waves that will liquify fat cells while a separate tube will suck out the fat. The radiofrequency device will also help stimulate collagen.
My entire time at the doctor’s office was about 2 hours, but the procedure itself lasted about 45 minutes. And while everything above is what you can expect to happen during those 45 minutes, I honestly have no idea what was happening in the moment and I’m glad I didn’t! I was completely relaxed and nerve free!
How long until you see results from FaceTite?
I saw results immediately, but you’ll see the significant results after 8-12 weeks and even more results as the weeks pass. Skin tightening continues for 12 months.
FaceTite After Care
Compression Garment
You’ll leave your appointment with a compression garment wrapped around your head. You’ll need to wear it for the first 48 hours after your appointment and then for at least 12 hours a day for 2 weeks after or until the swelling goes down. Honestly I wore mine for around 5 weeks and even after that I would occasionally wear it to sleep. The first day or two it tends to be uncomfortable, but after that I got used to wearing it.
Wound Care
You’ll have 3 incision points (one behind each ear and one under your chin) and you’ll want to wash them with a gentle soap twice a day. Once they start to heal you can apply antibiotic ointment to the incisions.
The incisions under my ears healed much fast than the one under my chin. And if you feel a bump under any of the incisions don’t be alarmed, it’s completely normal.
Stay Upright
For the first 3 days you’ll need to keep your head elevated (head above heart) to minimize swelling. I recommend sleeping on a wedge, multiple pillows or on a recliner.
Soft Foods
I stuck with a soft food diet for the first 3 days. Eating with the compression garment on isn’t easy and I wanted to minimize moving my jaw, chewing and even talking to assist with healing. Even after the initial 3 days I still stuck to a partially soft food and soup diet because I was sore in the area.
Limit Physical Activity
Avoid lifting anything over 20 lbs, high intensity workouts and anything that can cause you to strain for the first 2 weeks. Walking and staying active in non strenuous ways is highly encouraged.
Limit Exposure to Heat
Avoid excessive heat including hot showers and fires for the first 2 weeks after your FaceTite to help with swelling.
Facial Massaging
Once you’re comfortable, start massaging the neck area. It will increase blood flow, help with swelling and help break up the lumps that may have formed in your neck. I got into a routine of massaging my neck and face at least 5 times a week before bed and in the shower everyday and I noticed a huge difference in not only the lumps, but in the overall contouring of my face.
How Much Does FaceTite Cost?
Price can vary depending on your provider and where you live. From the research that I’ve done generally it is in the $4000-$7000 range. If you are in the Westchester, NY area looking to be quoted for FaceTite call Dr. Vent at Briarcliff Medical Spa (he is also who does my Botox).
FaceTite Side Effects
While bruising is a normal reaction, not everyone will experience bruising post procedure. I didn’t have any bruises initially, but did develop a few about a week after on my neck that quickly went away.
Lumps & Bumps
Lumps and bumps on your neck are completely normal post procedure and will break up over time. At first you may only feel them, but as your skin tightens they may become visible.
The best way to eliminate lumps is by facial and neck massaging daily. Use a good lubricating oil and drain your neck and jaw through massage twice daily for best results. Lymphatic draining and facial massaging not only help with sculpting and contouring your face and jawline, but also help eliminate lumps on your neck.
Tingling & Numbness
While it may not happen to everyone tingling and numbness the first 2 weeks following your FaceTite procedure is completely normal. I definitely felt a numbness in my neck for a week or two after.
Tightening Sensation
FaceTite is a skin tightening procedure so obviously it’s completely normal to feel a tightening sensation. Especially if your FaceTite procedure includes a Morpheus8 treatment on your face and neck like mine did.
Even after the initial tightening feeling disappeared I did feel a tightness doing certain movements for weeks post procedure.
Neck Soreness
As with any procedure, soreness is expected after. I avoided any situations that required me to move my head or neck fast for the first week or two after the procedure because the front and sides of my neck was sore along with my jawline.
I also noticed that as I began to heal the soreness and tenderness moved in the lower half of my face which I expected as I noticed my skin was tightening and the swelling was going down.
FaceTite Before & After
Honestly I’m still in SHOCK over these before & after images. When I tell people that I got a procedure that essentially sucks the fat out of your neck and chin their first reaction is usually “You didn’t need that” and while no, no one NEEDS any aesthetic procedure, when they see the before and after photos their response usually changes to “I didn’t realize you looked like that from the side”. While most people would never say I “needed” FaceTite they can see how amazing the results are and how happy I am that I did it.
Here are my before & (4 month) after photos, including progress photos along the way.

As with any aesthetic procedure, I would never suggest doing it for someone else. Do it for yourself! This is something that bothered me about myself forever, something I was so incredibly insecure about and something that pretty much only I noticed and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out.
If you have any questions feel from to comment here, email me or call Dr. Vent at Briarcliff Medical Spa.

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