LAQA & Co. Lip Crayon in Bossy Boots c/o / M. Fredric California Genie Jumpsuit via Love, Leeann / H&M Braided Belt / Chanel Bag / similar Coin Bracelet / AMI Clubwear Sandals c/o

Just when I thought wearing a jumpsuit was me stepping out of my comfort zone this genie jumpsuit came into my life. This thing couldn’t be more scary, but I bit the bullet, tried it on and loved every bit of it. If you’re looking for that flattering, super amazing item that’s missing from you closet I hate to break the news, but this isn’t it. If you’re looking for that loud, slightly confusing, makes you feel like a rockstar, true statement piece that every girl should have in her closet then this is it!
And before you ask why I’m still wearing summer clothes when every other blogger is wearing their fall favorites (& probably sweating their asses off while doing so), it’s because until yesterday it was still 80+ degrees and humid in NY and the thought of putting jeans on repulsed me, let alone a sweater or scarf! #sorrynotsorry there’s always next week…
LAQA & Co. Lip Crayon in Bossy Boots c/o / M. Fredric California Genie Jumpsuit via Love, Leeann / H&M Braided Belt / Chanel Bag / similar Coin Bracelet / AMI Clubwear Sandals c/o
Photos: Lauren Lockwood
I'm with you girl- it's 90 here and humid- no blanket scarves for this Florida girl! HA!