OMG thats the only thing to say about the amount of snow NY has gotten this winter. In one month we’ve had 6 storms & 1 actual blizzard. At the rate we’re going it feels like its never going to stop. I think it actually snowed every single day this week and the forecast says to expect more snow on Tuesday & Wednesday. One of the local news stations said NY has gotten more snow this winter than Anchorage, Alaska, and I believe it. Currently crossing my fingers that on Groundhog Day that little guy doesn’t see his shadow so we don’t have 6 more weeks of Winter…but something tells me he’s going to be running back into his hole on February 2nd.

These 2 little monsters are the only ones that enjoyed the 39 inches of snow this month. Like they’re matching sweaters…those lasted about an hour before they were soaking wet and needed to come off.
Too cute! They remind me of my own pups 🙂 thanks for visiting me and entering my giveaway! I'm a follower now too! 🙂
xoxo rach