Forever 21 Sunglasses (similar) / Thrifted Jacket c/o Savers / Forever 21 Dress (similar) / Express Bracelets (similar) / Forever 21 Bangles / mark. Minaudiere (love this & it’s ONSALE, this one is almost exact!) / mark. Ring (love this) / Zara Wedges (similar)
What’s old is new again!
Not going to lie I am NOT that savvy girl that goes thrifting all the time and finds these amazing one of a kind pieces. In all honestly I’ve probably only gone to a thrift store maybe 4 or 5 times in my life, and half of those were in college when I was trying to find items to make Halloween costumes. While 90% of my thrifting experiences have been unsuccessful, there was this one time in St. Louis I found this awesome jacket!!
Note to self: Go into vintage and thrift stores more often!
Check out the first time I wore this jacket this past Fall!
Don’t miss our past Room for Style Fashion Posts – Affordable Fashion, Garden Party Florals & Black & White Spring Style! & Make sure to follow our Room for Style Pinterest Board for all our “Inspired by” Looks ((both Decorating & Fashion))
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Love those heels!
The Style Storm
<3, Christina