You guys…this is 30! Today I’m celebrating the BIG 3-0 by sharing 30 things you might not know about me along with a super cool birthday photo shoot! I debated on doing a cake smash (because I’m ridiculous like that), but I decided to keep in simple with just a few balloons against the most amazing backdrop and couldn’t be happier!
So without further ado…30 things you might not know about me in honor of my 30th birthday! Make sure to leave me a comment and let me know if anything surprises you or if we have one or more things in common!
- I’m a total TV junkie. I watch about 43920432 TV shows and I’m not ashamed to admit it. My current favorite shows are Arrow, Younger and Suits, but my favorite show of all time is Dawson’s Creek (#PaceyForever)
- I curse WAY too much and it’s pretty much impossible to sensor me. #SorryNotSorry
- My hair resembled Scary Spice’s hair when I was younger. It was insanely curly and grew out not down. When I used to get my hair cut I would just leave the salon with wet hair because no one knew how to tame it. I didn’t straighten it until 8th grade when those giant Hot Tools 3 inch hair straighteners came out, it was literally the only thing that worked. I’ve lost a lot of my curls now, but I secretly wish I still had them because I know they would be way easier to maintain now.
- I’m lactose intolerant but that doesn’t stop me from eating pizza or pretty much anything else with dairy in small doses.
- I’ve been dancing since I was 3 years old and still dance now. Tap, jazz, lyrical and ballet (but I hung up my ballet slippers in High School)
- I’m super blind without my contacts or glasses.
- I’m really good at math, and am definitely a nerd at heart.
- I love reading, and probably read about 30 books a year. I don’t know what I would do without my Kindle!
- I’ve traveled a lot of places but I’ve never lived anywhere but New York.
- I don’t have a middle name. My first and last names are long enough, no need to add a middle one in there.
- I hit the snooze button about 5 times before walking up.
- I love all things spicy. If there’s a spicy food item or drink on the menu there’s a good chance that’s what I’ll order.
- I’m insanely organized and make lists for EVERYTHING! Clutter and messiness in general gives me anxiety.
- Fall is my favorite season! I love all things pumpkin and sweater weather and changing leaves…and my birthday is in the Fall! (Spring is my least favorite!)
- Halloween is my favorite holiday…as if you couldn’t already tell that.
- Even though Halloween is technically my favorite holiday, I do LOVE Thanksgiving, Christmas and the whole Holiday season! I’m definitely that girl that starts watching Christmas movies in the beginning of November (White Christmas is my favorite movie) and spreads Christmas cheer over 2 months!
- I’m a huge foodie and will travel for food (especially sweets)!
- I’ll try any food once (you don’t know you don’t like something without trying it). The one thing I don’t like is veal, my mom swears it’s because she couldn’t eat it when she was pregnant with me.
- My hair has been every color of the rainbow except black.
- I’m really into music, I actually had a concentration in Music Business in college and thought I was going to be an Entertainment Lawyer, but after working in the industry for a couple years and interning at a law firm I realized it wasn’t for me.
- I love going to concerts. I’ve probably gone to thousands.
- My favorite band is New Found Glory, I think I’ve seen them live about 30 times and will never pass up the opportunity to see them.
- I was a definitely punk rock princess in High School. Black makeup, band t-shirts, studded belts, the whole deal. And my Spotify favorites will reveal that it’s still my favorite music (screamo, pop punk, double bass peddles, etc
- If I didn’t have a blog I probably wouldn’t have any social media accounts (actually I probably would still have Facebook so my mom and stepdad could tag me in ridiculous dog videos)
- I’m the biggest klutz EVER and always have giant black and blues in the weirdest places on my body.
- My mom let me dress myself when I was younger…you could imagine the combinations I came up with…it’s probably the reason why my style is so eclectic now.
- I went to private Catholic school my entire life (K-12) and wore a uniform (and secretly loved it…I actually hated getting dressed for my first day of college).
- I am the WORST singer ever, like can break glass with my voice…I do not sing in public ever, no karaoke, not singing with other people in the car.
- I have my bartending license, but have never worked behind a bar.
- Snakes are my biggest fear. I’m legitamitely terrified of them, like can’t even look at a photo without my heart racing and the worst part about it is that my uncle used to have THREE.
Now excuse me while I go change all of bios from “twenty something” to “thirty and flirty and thriving”.
PS: My dress is old, but here are some of my favorite velvet dresses available now!
Photos: Lisa Schiller
Happy happiest, Jackie!! You and LAM are actually the first blogger and blog I started following via Bloglovin back in the day and just the very first blog I kept following through all these years! I am a Fall girl too, though my bday is in late May and I can relate to many of the facts above – no snakes, lots of tv, spicy food, unruly curls as a kid and organizing through lists to only name a few 🙂
I hope you get to enjoy your day to the fullest. Thanks for sharing, you are amazing <3
Happy bday, girl!
xo Martie
PS. I love your heels!
Thank you SO much Martie. This means the world to me!
I loved reading this! I’m a total tv junkie too! Happy birthday Jackie!